The paradigm of Medicine,”Medical Education” and medical science have changed. These are the results of the two historic World Congresses promoted by Ambrosiana University, in streaming, concluded on June 23 under the patronage of the European Parliament and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

The Paradigm Change of Medicine: the epistemological and scientific basis of Person-Centered Medicine

(21-22 June)


Person-Centered Medicine: the medicine and health paradigm change in medical science and medical education

(23 June)

The conference was attended by scientists who have made a significant contribution to the paradigm shift as Giuseppe R.Brera, author of the theory of Person-centered Medicine and its teaching, taught to doctors at the Medical School of Milan since 1998, and pioneers of interactionism in their respective research areas such as Robert Cloninger (Psychobiology) Moshe Szyf, (Epigenetics), Claudio Violato (Medical Education), Lee Sun Wong, (Sterling and Heyer’s theory of allostasis), Jean Georges Maestroni (psycho-neuro-endocrine-immmunology), Piermario Biava, (Epigenetic reprogramming), George Christodoulou (World Federation of Mental Health), Vincenzo Di Nicola, President of the World Association of Social Psychiatry and Roy Kallivayalil ( Person-centered and Social psychiatry), Philippe Ney (Bioethics of life)Richard Fiordo (Health communication).

The conferences highlighted the urgent need to adapt to the current paradigm of Person-Centered Medicine, interactionist and teleonomic, the training of the doctor, public health policy and research. The basic sciences and the humanities, in fact, have allowed to reformulate in a personalistic sense the concept of human nature and health that appears to be the result of existential choices, which arises from the interpretative sense of the possibilities of experience that determine the quality of life. In fact, 95% of diseases are 95% lifestyle dependent and the remaining 5% on genetic dominance. Health, when it is not a biological emergency or a genetic disease, as documented by Professor Brera, who presented the theory, is consequently related to the symbolic work of interpretation of possibilities that interacts with biological variables, through the allostasis-revolution of physiology still unknown to most-theory of Peter Sterling and Joe Heyer- through the immunological and epigenetic psycho-neuro-endocrine modulation that allows adaptation to the change required in relationships with themselves, the human and physical environment. If truth for one’s own well-being and that of others and positive affections are the interpretative code of possibilities, health benefits. The great epistemological revolution of the indeterminist Person-Centered Medicine which has buried the mechanistic, determinist positivism, comparable only to the quantum revolution of physics, is given by the evidence of the multidimensional and multi-factorial origin of diseases that draws freedom and responsibility to the individual for quality of life, first of all of a spiritual nature, as founded on the truth or falseness of the meaning given to experience. This discrimination is the mother of moral thought-which is also the purpose of scientific research and philosophy. Medicine thus appears reformulated as a “Maieutic semiology of the person ” in whom illness appears as an event of life, signifying the work of man towards a harmonious unity of spirit, mind, and body, reminiscent of Aristotelian philosophy and the epistemological model of traditional Chinese medicine.

Illness appears a form of human nature whose substance hides therefore the unconscious or conscious teleonomic work of man and woman to realize themselves as a person, that is, the meaning of being men or woman, a concept absent in Aristotle, and in Chinese cosmology but of Christian derivation. The concept of health reformulated by MCP that dates back to 2011, already presented to WHO by Prof. Brera for its necessary adoption, must be redefined today in an interactionist and teleonomic sense as “Choosing the best possibilities to be the best human person”, also political program. The paradigm of Person-Centered Medicine, ethically based on Hippocratic values and irrefutably on the progress of the basic sciences and the humanities thanks to Kairology, should be the foundation of clinical medicine and the selection and training of physicians as an object of update in continuing education and the foundation of health policy. The second congress highlighted how the selection of students in medicine through cognitive tests, does not meet the requirements today required by the clinical method, especially the doctor’s empathy and the ability of “Diagnosis of the person”. They should be replaced by multi-dimensional assessments of attitudes as Prof.Brera has proposed. Unfortunately today medical and continuing education is still linked, except since 1999 in the Medical School of Milan of thAmbrosiana University, to the fragmentary separation in the clinical method between biology, quality of life, in the relationship with the physical, family, and work environment. Fragmentation dominates the research in the pathogenesis of clinical pictures, and medical education, with the omission of variables.

 This only bio-technological orientation, which does not correspond to current knowledge, causes serious damage to the health of the population and distances the person from a sense of responsibility for the quality of life, which arises from the meaning given to experience. This approach is particularly dramatic in a negative sense with adolescents, closed by dualism medicine and psychology, naturally led to answer the great questions of existence: love, truth, and beauty. This is why family doctors and pediatricians must train in person-centered medicine and medical counseling.

The goodness of the epistemological revolution has been confirmed by research that has documented how the training of doctors in Person-Centered Medicine leads to a huge saving in suffering and costs, for the decrease in prescriptions of drugs, specialist visits, and hospital admissions. Therefore the administrators of public health, have today the great moral responsibility to adapt the health system to Person-Centered Medicine, which directs to prevention and health education, for the good of the population. Its omission, born from ignorance, was responsible for the worldwide slaughter by COVID-19 for the absence of primary prevention strengthening natural immunity and early care. The removal of family members from hospitalized patients is one of the inhuman consequences of the pandemic of ignorance among doctors.

The problem appears dramatic because Medicine is developing in a schizophrenic way by dissociating between basic sciences that have documented interactionism and refuted Cannon (homeostasis) and Selye (mechanistic theory of stress) and the humanities that introduced the teleonomy of human nature and together changed the concept of human nature and health.

Instead, the orientation of Medicine is increasingly bio-technological, only valid if it remains an instrument and not a meaning in which the person becomes an object of techniques and profit. The sense of Medicine and the interpersonal dimension of the doctor. patient clinical relationships are irreplaceable.

The proceedings of the Congress are available without charge to the editorial department of Ambrosiana University:

We inform of the Summer Course in Person-Centered Medicine and Clinical Method centered on the person, addressed to doctors and teachers to be held from 4-9 September 2023 in Viareggio Ex-students, teachers of the Ambrosiana University, WASP and PCMIC members enjoy a 50% reduction on the registration fee. Participation in the course is valid for the updating of diplomas. Detailed information on www.


Request for proceedings free of charge

to the Editorial Department  of Università Ambrosiana 

JMazethes  Managing Editor

Copyright Università Ambrosiana 2023


The Medical School of Milan of the Ambrosiana University, with the Patronage of the Italian National Health Committee, organized the   specialization course,  dedicated to family and public health physicians  on the theme:

“Prevention and person-centered treatment of COVID-19 by variants of SARS-COV 2 and communicable diseases”

The course is the first edition in Italian of a European and international teaching program on the prevention of COVID-19, inspired by the Person-Centered Medicine application in theory and Medical Education, of which the Medical School of Milan of the Ambrosiana University is a pioneer and recognized world leader by the WHO. The course is aimed at teaching the correct epistemological and scientific paradigm to cope with the SARS-VOC 2 pandemic, based on the new antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation paradigm, before a mass vaccination with genotoxic mRNA and vectorial vaccines also administered to children, adolescents and young people, not at risk of serious infections, if healthy. These mRNA and vector vaccines, inducers of an epigenetic earthquake, would have required years of experimentation to study even fatal adverse effects with serious damage to the health of the world population. The Course is coordinated by prof. Giuseppe R.Brera, currently the world’s leading expert on the prevention of COVID-19- wrote the only existing treatise on the subject and is the author of the theoretical paradigm of Person-Centered Medicine- is given by Maria Rita Gismondo, (Milan State University) virologist of international fame, Maurizio Federico, ( Director in the Italian Health Institute of the World Center of Global Health) who has in testing a pan-vaccine against the COVID-19, Salvatore Chirumbolo (University of Verona)  and Sergio Pandolfi  (University of Pavia) the most important Italian scholars on the early therapy of COVID-19, and the clinical “heresy” of the former Italian Health Minister’s, Roberto Speranza, illiterate paradigm” Paracetamol and vigilant wait” that cost thousands of deaths and hospital admissions. Medical Education is coordinated by prof. Vito Galante of the Milan School of Medicine with the quality procedure of the Ambrosiana University.

PROGRAM (1st edition-Italian)

Information to subscribe the European and International edition


J Mazetes -Managing editor



Inaugural Conference of  the 2020-2021  academic activities of Ambrosiana University



The Person-Centered Prevention Program  for pandemic prevention



Person-Centred Medicine (PCM) is the current paradigm of medical science and Medicine, and this involves the orientation of public health with a new organization of primary care and the training of doctors and students in Medicine through teachers prepared for PCM teaching. Its application, through trained doctors, allows enormous savings in suffering and costs. The PCM reconverts health to “Person-centred prevention” by promoting health education, prevention, early treatment of diseases, self-care, incentivizing individual resources, introducing and reinforcing protective factors, and buffering risk factors to improve individual resilience.
The PCM paradigm is defined as” The choice of the best possibilities for being the best human person,” which is also a political program.
In adolescence, a period of spiritual and psycho-biological formation, the PCM assumes fundamental importance throughout life because it builds an indelible trace for the future.
The Congress is held in three parts: the first is dedicated to the scientific bases of the Person-Centered Medicine interactionist and teleonomic paradigm, which will be followed by a panel dedicated to the paradigm change of Medicine. (in English) -November 13
Keynote speakers: Peter Sterling, the author of the Allostasis theory that revolutionized physiology and medical science, the fundament of the Person-Centered Medicine paradigm with other significant contributors to Medicine paradigm change .(November 13- h 15)
The second session is dedicated to adolescence. Speakers are contributors to the revolution of the paradigm of the adolescence theory. (November 13- 17,30-19,30)
The third session is dedicated to the Person-Centered Prevention paradigm, genetic and epigenetic damages induced by vaccines against SARS-COV 2, and early treatment of COVID-19.
( November 20 – h 15 in Italian-English)
Giuseppe R.Brera
Rector of the Ambrosiana University, Director of the Medical School of Milan, president of the World Health Committee and the Italian National Health Committee
Free access on zoom on registration
To give a contribution to the conference in panels (5-7′) send the enclosed abstract form to dr. Vito Galante within 7 November (1°-2° session, November 13 -3°session)

The “Person-centered Health relativity” and the “People and Person-Centered Prevention” theories. From epistemology to the COVID-19 pandemic shut-down.

The “Person-centered Health relativity” and the “People and Person-Centered Prevention” theories. From epistemology to the COVID-19 pandemic shut-down.


Self-Care and Well-Being in the Times of Covid-19 5 – 7 April 2021

(, promoted by the Person-Centered Medicine International College

The “Person-centered Health relativity” and the “People and Person-Centered Prevention” theories. From epistemology to the COVID-19 pandemic shut-down. [accessed Oct 04 2021].

Giuseppe R.Brera


Person-Centered Medicine (PCM) is the first extrinsic paradigm of medical science instituted due to the last forty years of advancing biomedical science and human sciences. The PCM epistemological bases are interactionism and the human nature teleonomy allowing the freedom and dignity-based “being-person” identity. The Medicine indeterministic epochal shift is similar to the discovery of quantum physics, which is allowed to constitute the “Person-centered clinical method” that integrates the obsolete one and reassesses the physician’s role as maieutic of the being person. The lecture introduces the PCM health-derived concept relativity theory and the People and Person-Centered Prevention paradigm (PPCP), whose application in the light of the SARS-COV 2 infection and complication general theory discoveries, only can shutdown the COVID-19 and other communicable and non-communicable diseases
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