307 pages – Italian and English – ISBN 9798337941318 – Euro 30- Italian-English Giuseppe R.Brera ( edited by)

Presentations / Contributions

Piermario Biava, Giuseppe R.Brera, Flavio Della Croce, Richard Fiordo, Domenico Francomano , Vito Galante, Adriana Galvan, Paolo Garascia, Roy Kallivayalil, Mariangela Porta , Marco Pellegrini, Ettore Ruberti, Claudio Violato, Stefano Zecchi

Proceedings of the Educational Congress of 1 June 2024, held in Milan on 1 June 2024 with the sponsorship of the Ambrosiana University, the CNR of the Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescent Medicine, of the World Health Committee

Introduction to the Conference Giuseppe R.Brera Rector -Università Ambrosiana

The educational training in pedagogical, psychological, medical work with adolescents is still today fragmented into theories that separate in an epistemologically wrong way the spirit (the natural question of meaning of life) the emotional and cognitive symbolic world and biological variables, three dimensions in continuous interaction and that the person pilots, with choices that may be true or false for his good. This fragmentation and the cultural abolition of the idea of the objective truth existence, does not grasp the essence of the person and it is the basis of the bio-technological, psychological, sociological and spiritualist reductionism with devastating and pathogenic consequences. The psycho-bio technological reductionism is useful for the profit and social identity of professional roles to the detriment of the health of adolescents and in general of people and of misconceptions of health systems , health education courses and medical education. Kairology, a hermeneutic of human nature born in 1993 and the basis of the Person-centered theory of adolescence and teleonomic substance of the paradigm change of Medicine, Person-Centered Medicine, together with the interactionist progress of the biological sciences, has allowed to unify the interpretative theory of the development of the adolescent and the nature of the person, giving a great contribution to the awareness of the transcendent dignity of man and woman. The natural question to give a meaning to life, revealed by anthropoanalysis, requests the  truth and freedom as necessary condition to answer and is the basis of the awareness of the moral substance of human nature, in all dimensions, based on the objective truth and revealed by God for the good of man to intelligent people.. The purpose of this conference, introductory to the courses of Milan School of Medicine of the Ambrosiana University which has in Adolescentology and Person-Centered Medicine, new paradigm that introduced in 1998, primary excellences pioneering in the world, is to further promote and teach the epistemological change about adolescence and Medicine. The understanding of being a human person and the method to organize knowledge is now essential by the clinical method, today still wrongly taught and applied because of the pandemic of epistemological illiteracy, and that must start from the “who” and not from the “thing” that makes the patient subject only of biological clinical diagnosis, as if he were not involved as a subject in pathogenesis and healing. because the interaction between subjectivity and biological reactions .In adolescence and old age , but in every age.  this error is devastating and iatrogenic and only functional to profit In fact, being comes before every “doing” and every act, as St. John Paul II taught. The pragmatist relativism spread even in unthinkable   environments, should not infect the teaching to clinical and educational activity, “Kairos”   to improve the quality of being a true human person in education and care. This conference  is an introduction to the International Congress:” Assisi 2025-Person-centered health and the resilient adolescent  that will be presented by prof.Claudio Violato and Richard Fiordo. In this conference I will have the honor to present the candidacy by the Ambrosiana University of Prof. Mario  Biava for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, for his discovery of the epigenetic code and the introduction of stem cell reprogramming  which changed thr paradigm of clinical therapy, fundamental in the therapy of tumors and neuro-degenerative diseases, and opening a new time of clinical applications and interactionist research according to Person-Centered Medicine Summary


Introduction to the Conference  Giuseppe R-Brera MD  MA LD Mag-Rector Universita Ambrosiana (UA)-Director of the Milan School of Medicine,President of the World Health Committee

Greeting message from the   Minister of Health of the  Italian Republic Orazio Schillaci MD Professor

2.The person-centered medicine, paradigm of medicine and health sciences– Giuseppe R.Brera

2.1 The epistemological change of Medicine and the paradigm of Person-centered Medicine

2.2 The doctor- patient relationship and thePerson-centered clinical method

3. Nomination of  Piermario Biava to Nobel Prize -Giuseppe R.Brera, Rector Universita Ambrosiana

4.The epigenetic code and the epigenetic reprogrammation of stem cells ;  paradigm change  of oncological and neuro-degenerative diseases therapy -Piermario Biava MD MA-  Professor- Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

4.1 The systematic study of the code which organizes life:   the   epigenetic code

4.2The different activities of regulation of gene  expression by the epigenetic code

4.3 A radical change in the scientific paradigm


5.Beauty and adolescence – Stefano Zecchi,professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

6.The adolescent as person. The person-centered theory of adolescence and the Kairological theory of human nature.  Giuseppe R.Brera MD  MA LD Mag- Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

7-Why the teenage brain has an evolutionary advantage  Adeiana Galvan PhD -Professor-UCLA -Ettore Ruberti-Professor. Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

8.The adolescents, family, and peers. Flavio Della Croce. MD MA Associate professor in Adolescentology-Dept of Adolescentology (UA)

8.1 Who is the teenager

8.2 The family and the adolescent

8.3  The peer group

8.4 The answer to the quest for virtual reality

9.The relationship with the adolescent and The Decalogue of the Adolescentologist. Mariangela Porta MD MA Professor – Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

9.1. Reception

9.2 Listening

9.3 Adolescence according to the Adolescents and their emotions

9.4 Alliance

10.The doctor-adolescent relationship  and the Person-centered clinical method.Domenico Francomano MD MA  -Professor, Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

10.1 A clinical report, treated with the Person-centered clinical method and Medical Counselling

11.  Medical counselling in clinical work with adolescents. Vito Galante MD MA- Professot, Licenta Docendi ad Honore UA

12.  Counselling with the adolescent in hospital. Paolo Garascia MD MA.  Associate professor in Adolescentology-Dept of Adolescentology (UA)

13.Adolescence, meaning of life, ideals. Marco Invernizzi  MA in Philosophy – Professor -Licentia Docendi ad Honorem  UA

13.1Each person is central, against individualism and    collectivism

13.2 The family founded on marriage between man and woman is the basis for transmitting the meaning of life and ideals

13.3 The first step is to love those we educate

13.4 Do not be afraid to correct errors

13.5  Our task and responsibility

14.Anthropology of morality and Christian faith in  adolescence   Giuseppe R.Brera MD  MA LD Mag- Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

14. 1 Anthropology of Christian morality

15 La Charte Mondiale de la Santé-the World Health Charter

Giuseppe R.Brera  MD  MA LD Mag- Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

Roy Kallivayalil   MD MA  Licentia Docendi ad Honore UA- Professor of Psychiatry, Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India,Vice President (Asia Pacific), World Federation for Mental HealthChair, WPA Section on Psychiatry, Law and EthicsPresident, Indian Psychiatric Society (2012-2013) President, World Association of Social Psychiatry (2016-2019) Secretary General, World Psychiatric Association, Geneva (2014-2020)

General Secretary  of the World Health Committee

16.Introduction to the XIII International Conference  on Adolescentology


Assisi 24-25-26 October 2025

Info :

Claudio Violato. PHD-Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA- Pro-Rector Università Ambrosiana , Assistant Dean , University of Minnesota Medical School, USA, Honorary Member of the Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine and the World Federation and Society of Adolescentology (WFSA)

Scientific  Director of the World Health Committee

16.1     Youth at risk: the antinomies of medical care   for young people  in today’s USA

Richard Fiordo PhD MA Professor, Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA ,Emeritus of the University of North Dakota .Honorary member of the Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine and the World Federation and Society of Adolescentology (WFSA)

Director of the World Health Committee’s Health Communication

17 Conclusion of the Conference– Giuseppe R.Brera

Rector Universita Ambrosiana (UA)-Director of the Milan School of Medicine,President of the World Health Committee

Editorial Order





Conference post-poned on 24-25-26 October 2025

prof. Giuseppe R.Brera and prof.Claudio Violato are honored to announce the XIII °International Congress on Adolescentology

Assisi 2024
Assisi -Italy October 25-26-27, 2024
National Research Center of Italy (CNR)
Ambrosiana University
Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine
Person-Centered International ACADEMY
International Committee for The WORLD HEALTH CHARTER
*at 24 February 2024
Information- Registration and abstract forms


Previous Conferences on Adolescentology  and Person-Centered Medicine

Recent Conferences on Person-Centered Medicine




The paradigm of Medicine,”Medical Education” and medical science have changed. These are the results of the two historic World Congresses promoted by Ambrosiana University, in streaming, concluded on June 23 under the patronage of the European Parliament and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

The Paradigm Change of Medicine: the epistemological and scientific basis of Person-Centered Medicine

(21-22 June)


Person-Centered Medicine: the medicine and health paradigm change in medical science and medical education

(23 June)

The conference was attended by scientists who have made a significant contribution to the paradigm shift as Giuseppe R.Brera, author of the theory of Person-centered Medicine and its teaching, taught to doctors at the Medical School of Milan since 1998, and pioneers of interactionism in their respective research areas such as Robert Cloninger (Psychobiology) Moshe Szyf, (Epigenetics), Claudio Violato (Medical Education), Lee Sun Wong, (Sterling and Heyer’s theory of allostasis), Jean Georges Maestroni (psycho-neuro-endocrine-immmunology), Piermario Biava, (Epigenetic reprogramming), George Christodoulou (World Federation of Mental Health), Vincenzo Di Nicola, President of the World Association of Social Psychiatry and Roy Kallivayalil ( Person-centered and Social psychiatry), Philippe Ney (Bioethics of life)Richard Fiordo (Health communication).

The conferences highlighted the urgent need to adapt to the current paradigm of Person-Centered Medicine, interactionist and teleonomic, the training of the doctor, public health policy and research. The basic sciences and the humanities, in fact, have allowed to reformulate in a personalistic sense the concept of human nature and health that appears to be the result of existential choices, which arises from the interpretative sense of the possibilities of experience that determine the quality of life. In fact, 95% of diseases are 95% lifestyle dependent and the remaining 5% on genetic dominance. Health, when it is not a biological emergency or a genetic disease, as documented by Professor Brera, who presented the theory, is consequently related to the symbolic work of interpretation of possibilities that interacts with biological variables, through the allostasis-revolution of physiology still unknown to most-theory of Peter Sterling and Joe Heyer- through the immunological and epigenetic psycho-neuro-endocrine modulation that allows adaptation to the change required in relationships with themselves, the human and physical environment. If truth for one’s own well-being and that of others and positive affections are the interpretative code of possibilities, health benefits. The great epistemological revolution of the indeterminist Person-Centered Medicine which has buried the mechanistic, determinist positivism, comparable only to the quantum revolution of physics, is given by the evidence of the multidimensional and multi-factorial origin of diseases that draws freedom and responsibility to the individual for quality of life, first of all of a spiritual nature, as founded on the truth or falseness of the meaning given to experience. This discrimination is the mother of moral thought-which is also the purpose of scientific research and philosophy. Medicine thus appears reformulated as a “Maieutic semiology of the person ” in whom illness appears as an event of life, signifying the work of man towards a harmonious unity of spirit, mind, and body, reminiscent of Aristotelian philosophy and the epistemological model of traditional Chinese medicine.

Illness appears a form of human nature whose substance hides therefore the unconscious or conscious teleonomic work of man and woman to realize themselves as a person, that is, the meaning of being men or woman, a concept absent in Aristotle, and in Chinese cosmology but of Christian derivation. The concept of health reformulated by MCP that dates back to 2011, already presented to WHO by Prof. Brera for its necessary adoption, must be redefined today in an interactionist and teleonomic sense as “Choosing the best possibilities to be the best human person”, also political program. The paradigm of Person-Centered Medicine, ethically based on Hippocratic values and irrefutably on the progress of the basic sciences and the humanities thanks to Kairology, should be the foundation of clinical medicine and the selection and training of physicians as an object of update in continuing education and the foundation of health policy. The second congress highlighted how the selection of students in medicine through cognitive tests, does not meet the requirements today required by the clinical method, especially the doctor’s empathy and the ability of “Diagnosis of the person”. They should be replaced by multi-dimensional assessments of attitudes as Prof.Brera has proposed. Unfortunately today medical and continuing education is still linked, except since 1999 in the Medical School of Milan of thAmbrosiana University, to the fragmentary separation in the clinical method between biology, quality of life, in the relationship with the physical, family, and work environment. Fragmentation dominates the research in the pathogenesis of clinical pictures, and medical education, with the omission of variables.

 This only bio-technological orientation, which does not correspond to current knowledge, causes serious damage to the health of the population and distances the person from a sense of responsibility for the quality of life, which arises from the meaning given to experience. This approach is particularly dramatic in a negative sense with adolescents, closed by dualism medicine and psychology, naturally led to answer the great questions of existence: love, truth, and beauty. This is why family doctors and pediatricians must train in person-centered medicine and medical counseling.

The goodness of the epistemological revolution has been confirmed by research that has documented how the training of doctors in Person-Centered Medicine leads to a huge saving in suffering and costs, for the decrease in prescriptions of drugs, specialist visits, and hospital admissions. Therefore the administrators of public health, have today the great moral responsibility to adapt the health system to Person-Centered Medicine, which directs to prevention and health education, for the good of the population. Its omission, born from ignorance, was responsible for the worldwide slaughter by COVID-19 for the absence of primary prevention strengthening natural immunity and early care. The removal of family members from hospitalized patients is one of the inhuman consequences of the pandemic of ignorance among doctors.

The problem appears dramatic because Medicine is developing in a schizophrenic way by dissociating between basic sciences that have documented interactionism and refuted Cannon (homeostasis) and Selye (mechanistic theory of stress) and the humanities that introduced the teleonomy of human nature and together changed the concept of human nature and health.

Instead, the orientation of Medicine is increasingly bio-technological, only valid if it remains an instrument and not a meaning in which the person becomes an object of techniques and profit. The sense of Medicine and the interpersonal dimension of the doctor. patient clinical relationships are irreplaceable.

The proceedings of the Congress are available without charge to the editorial department of Ambrosiana University:

We inform of the Summer Course in Person-Centered Medicine and Clinical Method centered on the person, addressed to doctors and teachers to be held from 4-9 September 2023 in Viareggio Ex-students, teachers of the Ambrosiana University, WASP and PCMIC members enjoy a 50% reduction on the registration fee. Participation in the course is valid for the updating of diplomas. Detailed information on www.


Request for proceedings free of charge

to the Editorial Department  of Università Ambrosiana 

JMazethes  Managing Editor

Copyright Università Ambrosiana 2023




Two significant world Congresses  promoted by Ambrosiana University on Person-Centered Medicine under the Patronage of

Pontifical Academy of Science

World Health Committee

European Parliament *


 under the patronage of the Pontifical Academy of Science, at the Pontifical Academy of Science
 (Holy Seat-Vatican State) on June 24 2023.
The Conference is particularly dedicated to deans of Medical School and to the world leaders in Medical Education and International health and physicians’ organizations 

The participation in the Conference  is possible only with institutional accreditation.

We also inform that the world Congress  in streaming (open to all investigators and clinicians also as individuals) has been postponed to 21-22-23 June


Keynote speakers:

Giuseppe R.Brera,Robert Cloninger,George Christodoulou,Roy Kallivayalil, George Maestroni, Philipe Ney,  Moshe Szyf, Claudio Violato, Lee Sun Won

Info about both the Congresses are on the University websites: and (registration and abstract forms)

Registrations  ;



The Medical School of Milan of the Ambrosiana University, with the Patronage of the Italian National Health Committee, organized the   specialization course,  dedicated to family and public health physicians  on the theme:

“Prevention and person-centered treatment of COVID-19 by variants of SARS-COV 2 and communicable diseases”

The course is the first edition in Italian of a European and international teaching program on the prevention of COVID-19, inspired by the Person-Centered Medicine application in theory and Medical Education, of which the Medical School of Milan of the Ambrosiana University is a pioneer and recognized world leader by the WHO. The course is aimed at teaching the correct epistemological and scientific paradigm to cope with the SARS-VOC 2 pandemic, based on the new antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation paradigm, before a mass vaccination with genotoxic mRNA and vectorial vaccines also administered to children, adolescents and young people, not at risk of serious infections, if healthy. These mRNA and vector vaccines, inducers of an epigenetic earthquake, would have required years of experimentation to study even fatal adverse effects with serious damage to the health of the world population. The Course is coordinated by prof. Giuseppe R.Brera, currently the world’s leading expert on the prevention of COVID-19- wrote the only existing treatise on the subject and is the author of the theoretical paradigm of Person-Centered Medicine- is given by Maria Rita Gismondo, (Milan State University) virologist of international fame, Maurizio Federico, ( Director in the Italian Health Institute of the World Center of Global Health) who has in testing a pan-vaccine against the COVID-19, Salvatore Chirumbolo (University of Verona)  and Sergio Pandolfi  (University of Pavia) the most important Italian scholars on the early therapy of COVID-19, and the clinical “heresy” of the former Italian Health Minister’s, Roberto Speranza, illiterate paradigm” Paracetamol and vigilant wait” that cost thousands of deaths and hospital admissions. Medical Education is coordinated by prof. Vito Galante of the Milan School of Medicine with the quality procedure of the Ambrosiana University.

PROGRAM (1st edition-Italian)

Information to subscribe the European and International edition


J Mazetes -Managing editor

The success of a pleiotropic integrated therapy against COVID-19

The success of a translational integrated therapy against COVID-19

Reading time: 9″


Giuseppe R.Brera*

A sixty years old unvaccinated woman, a great smoker, with a determinate temperament and basic trust, and a previous history of breast cancer with a swab positive diagnosis of COVID-19 developed a
temperature of 40 degrees, with headache and cough, an indicator of a high cytokine storm. She received an integrated therapy based on translational medicine structured on well-studied natural pleiotropic molecules
integrated with Nimesulide and Doxiciclin. The woman recovered from the severe COVID-19 syndrome in four days and joined the swab negativity in 10 days from the beginning of symptoms returning to work on the 11th day.


  • Milan School of Medicine-Università Ambrosiana- Milano


Mass vaccination, the first time used to prevent a pandemic but with experimental mRNA and vectorial vaccines dangerous at the epigenetic-genetic level,[1] [2] [3] [4] and offered to the market with unreliable clinical research methods [5] [6] , and producing high rates of adverse effects and mortality, met in a minority of people also physicians and investigators a right diffidence and prudency to vaccinate people and themselves. These sera should have requested larger samples and a long time to be studied. The basic epistemological error caused by the lack of adoption in public health of the paradigm change of medical science and medicine, Person-Centered Medicine, must find an effective and cheap alternative allowing people primarily in countries with poor financial resources to prevent and care for viral and bacterial infections. To date, the deterministic-mechanistic paradigm used to cope with the pandemic implementing only biotechnology and profit is “Pathogen= mortality risk! and not the right indeterministic multidimensional one:” Pathogen-anti-pathogen allostasis = immunity-resilience- recovery”.[7] According to the Person-centered medicine primary prevention and therapy paradigm,clinical efforts must be addressed to improve life quality and psycho-biological resources to prevent and care for diseases and not to be problem-centered which improves only the disease-centered stock market. The World Health Charter should be adopted worldwide.

Anti-viral drugs and monoclonal antibodies are developed through fragmented research methods and show dangerous adverse effects while there are in nature pleiotropic, powerful and cheap molecules that, without adverse effects act contemporary at a biochemical and immunological level showing a great preventive action and efficacy and therapy. This is the road map for prevention and therapy based on the physiology revolution of “allostasis” (Sterling and Heyer) [8] substituting the obsolete concept of “Homeostasis”(Cannon) taught yet and unknown to most clinicians and investigators.

The anti-viral targets of prevention and a successful therapy anti-SARS-COV 2 variants of concern (VOC) must be addressed at the same time to prevent the virus binding to receptors, (barrier effect) inhibition of proteases, prevention of NK and CD8inactivation by viruses, re-activation of the P53 gene, preventing the critical anergy after the seventh day of the disease shared by patients with atherosclerosis -based comorbidities, reinforcement of natural humoral immunity, and prevention of the virus-induced viral allostatic metabolism and generation of anti-viral allostasis, prevention of cytokine storm-induced lung inflammation and antiviral allostasis in oral, nasal mucosae and upper respiratory ways, and an antiviral allostasis metabolism generation.

One of us recently introduced to the COVID prevention and early treatment of the epistemological concept of anti-viral allostasis and immunostimulation identifying the relativity of the SARS-COV 2 entry into cells and reviewing the anti-viral targets of naturals molecules spread worldwide [9] [10]  according to the Person-centered prevention strategy” inspired by Person-Centered Medicine, the current paradigm of Medical Science, [11] [12]  which at the clinical level introduced the Person-Centered Clinical Method that allows the physician the identification of the subjective-biological-environmental patient’s resources addressed to improve the person and lifestyle, [13]   not reducing the clinical case to be a probabilistic event of a natural law variation, [14] but concerning the relation with the person’s subjective being, comprising in existence and resulting in life quality related to the spiritual- psycho-neuro-endocrine, immunity  [15], and epigenetic individual system.

The COVID-19 prevention and early treatment inducing an anti-viral allostasis (AVAL) and immunostimulation (IMUST) is entrusted to the person’s natural immune system and can be reinforced by a resource-centered healthy lifestyle and powerful anti-viral substances with act as natural epigenetic programmers at immunity -biochemical level. Nutrition quality is part of a healthy or bad life quality. Curcumin, Aloe, Lactoferrin, Epigallocatechin, Beta-glucans Sphingosine, Mannan binding lectins, and Quercetin are natural molecules with a well-documented powerful pleiotropic antiviral allostasis and immunostimulant actions  [16] [17] . Vit A and C are immunostimulants and VIT D metabolite, [18] cathelicidin has direct virucide properties. Nimesulide has stronger anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, with well-studied significant therapeutic successes,[19] and its association with maltodextrins results also in immunostimulation. [20] [21]  Doxiciclin has also antibacterial and antiviral properties. [22] Conversely the antipyretic tachipirine, suggested by the Italian Health Ministry to treat early COVID is dangerous because it promotes coagulation and has not ant-inflammatory effects. [23]

A sixty years old unvaccinated woman, a great smoker, with a determinate temperament and good basic trust, and a previous history of breast cancer with a swab positive diagnosis of COVID-19 developed a temperature of 40 degrees, with headache and cough, an indicator of a high cytokine storm. Tachipirin administration, prescribed by phone by an emergency unit according to the Italian health ministry indications was suspended and a translational therapy integrated with drugs was prescribed with the resolution of COVID-19 syndrome in four days and negativity of swab in 10 days. The woman started to work on the 11th day. Posology is indicated in table 1 (Table 1)

Genotoxic and immunosuppressive mRNA and vectorial vaccines, silencing microRNA and/or hybridizing DNA [24]  produce only circulating IGG, waning in a short time and are inactive against VOC not induce protective mucosal IGA and do not generate Memory B Cell in lungs [25]  with a high rate of life-threatening adverse effects. Cells’ methylation induces an increased risk of cancer. [26]     Monoclonal antibodies and anti-viral drugs have many adverse effects and are expensive, while translational medicine and its integration significant could promote effective prevention and therapy worldwide at low cost with high availability of natural anti-viral molecules. Moreover, there is the impossibility to vaccinate the entire world, and integrated therapy could offer cheap possibilities to all for self-care through health education. Person-centered translational prevention and therapy based on preventive antiviral allostasis and immuno-stimulation and self-care in poor countries all over the world, by correcting the epistemological error determining the failure of the pandemic prevention  is a new perspective for public health to prevent communicable and non-communicable diseases worldwide, without submitting people to experimental mass vaccines.


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Table 1


 Substance-molecule   Posology
   Curcumin Curcumin 500 mg x2

5’Inhalation of turmeric powder (10 g- two tea spoons) vapors  from a solution with 100 ml of water at boiled temperature

Aloe extract  50 ml x 2
Lactoferrin 200 mg x 2 before meals
Epigallocathechin  Infusion of green tea (40°) four glasses per  day ( 800 ml )
Resveratrol 1000 mg x 2 before meals
Sphingosine and Beta-glucans Kefir milk 200 ml x 3
Melatonin 5 mg ( evening
Vit D10 10.000 U ( 7 days) after  1000
Vit, C 500 mg
Vit A 1000 U
Nimesulide and maltodextrins 400 mg x 2
Doxiciclin 200 mg a day
Table 1  Posology of the integrated therapy-

( Doses are referred one-two times a day ,morning and evening)




The COVID-19 pandemic finds its basis in the epistemological error imperant in medicine and public health: To date, the obsolete and wrong deterministic-mechanistic paradigm used to cope with the pandemic implementing only biotechnology and profit is “Pathogen-infection- mortality risk” and not the right indeterministic multidimensional one:” Pathogen-anti-pathogen allostasis = antiviral metabolic allostasis and immunity stimulation -resilience- recovery.” the basis of Person-Centered Medicine that states that health is: ” The choice of the best possibilities for being the best human person.” Truth, freedom, and health are inseparable.

( Brera, G.R. Person-Centered Medicine and Person Centered Clinical Method. Milano: Università Ambrosiana ed.: 2021 ISBN: 9798726465432)

The error led to the omission of secondary prevention, which should have been based on research on the first 2002 SARS-COV and 2009 MERS disappeared without mass vaccination.

The error leads to the omission of secondary prevention in the oldest people at risk with comorbidities (93% of deaths).

Genotoxicity due to the silencing of mi-RNA to promoter genes by mRNA vaccines but to date has not yet been investigated in their epidemiological consequences. There is evidence of risk of mortality, cardiovascular and oncological morbidity after vaccination, and a high-risk index for adverse effects, including increased vulnerability to cancer, autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. These data call for the immediate withdrawal of mRNA sera worldwide.

Immunodepression induced by multiple injections of mRNA vaccines has been demonstrated. In fact, after two doses, the unvaccinated are more protected from infection than the unvaccinated.

( Lancet:

Moreover, there are no” large differences in the median duration of viral shedding among participants who were unvaccinated, those who were vaccinated but not boosted, and those who were vaccinated and boosted.” Duration of Shedding of Culturable Virus in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron…

These observations, along with the AB mRNA vaccines waning and the lack or weak presence of IGA in mucosae of upper respiratory ways, make the persecution made by some countries against prudent unvaccinated health professionals a delusion of illiterate governments that prescribed an obligement to vaccination.

Vectorial sera have a great probability of hybridizing human DNA and present risk of autoimmunity and induced cardiovascular pathologies up to death like mRNA.

There are other forms of prevention and easy treatment of COVID-19 in the early stages that make them useless. The state of Florida (USA), having found a risk of 2.3 for mortality in subjects vaccinated by mRNA sera with an 83% increase in mortality under 39 years, has prohibited them. Swede, Denmark, and Canada, respectively. didn’t recommend vaccination under 19-50-60 yo. The induction of children and young people’s vaccination is a crime against humanity motivated only by profit and power, as the Nobel prize Luc Montagnier agreed.

The 2002 SARS-VOC epidemics and the 2010 MERS have disappeared without mass vaccinations in a year. Mass vaccinations, in addition, in times of epidemic, select increasingly dangerous variants for the evasion of the immune system, an enormous business for BIG PHARMA.


This letter is intended to propose to Research Gate researchers a World Manifesto for the withdrawal of mRNA vaccines from the market as follows.:

“Researchers of the Research Gate, by highlighting the danger of mass vaccination and boosting with mRNA and vectorial sera for the world health people, make an appeal to governments for their withdrawal from the market and the withdrawal by governments of vaccination obligations. RG researchers, moreover, make an appeal to suspend any crazy suspension from the work of unvaccinated health professionals because of the lack of any scientific motivation and the result of governments’ illiteracy which led to a violation of human rights.”

Adherence to the World Manifesto takes place through adherence to this initiative in the discussion and mail to

, subscribing to the site and supporting this initiative if you agree.

Attend to the discussion on

Giuseppe R. Brera

President of the World Health Committee

President of the Italian National Health Committee

Director of the Milan School of Medicine





promoted by the Milan School of Medicine of the Ambrosiana Univers

The International Master in Person-Centered Medicine is part of the Person-Centered Medicine International Program of the Milan School of Medicine of Ambrosiana University, born in 2009 and, to date, unique in the world yet.

Milan School of Medicine is the leading  Medical Education Postgraduate School in Person-Centered Medicine, where the paradigm was born in 1998. In 2002 the School first developed quality procedures and Masters to teach and apply Person-Centered Medicine introducing the Person-Centered Medicine paradigm teaching and its application in clinics, medical education, and health education.

                        The 2022 -2023 Master’s edition is realized with online seminars /lessons on the Zoom platform, and a live session in Viareggio-Italy Toscana  (Summer University) from September 5-11

The Master in PCM is developed in four modules (2022-2023) and has the patronage of the World Health Committee.

 A ( online): June 13-17   h: 16-19

 B ( live) :  September 5-11 -Viareggio ( Lucca )-  Italy 

 C  (online):  November 2022- April  2023

 D ( online or live ):  May –June 2023 

The general teaching objectives are

1 Person-Centered Medicine epistemological theory and the interactionist, teleonomic change of  Health, Medical Science, Medicine, Medical Education paradigms   (online)

2 The Person-Centered Medicine Clinical Method (PCCM) theory and the PCCM application procedure step by step – Introduction to “Medical counseling.” (live)- Person-Centered Medicine clinical sheet and its compilation (live)

3  Discussion of clinical cases (online) –

4 Final dissertation ( a clinical case) (online or live )

Master’s Direction: Prof. Giuseppe R.Brera    mail:

Requisites for the attendance

Degree in Medicine

Adhesion to the World Health Charter

                    PCM whole program in the following link ( pages  7-9)


The attendance fee is modular:  euros 2500   ( with educational tools and textbook)

Module A on line  : 1000

Module B : 500

Module C: 500

Module D: 500

The Master confers the Academic title necessary to be admitted to the Scientific Master in PCM, the  Ph.D, and Licentia Docendi,

Maximum Number of participants. : 20

Vincenza Quero  (to receive the registration form)              L’








Scientific evidence of anti -COVID 19 mRNA and vectorial  vaccines genotoxicity inducing tumors and psycho-neuro-behavioral disorders

  • November 2021


. Micro-RNAs (miR) are non-coding RNA filaments that control mRNA transcription. Micro-RNAs have been studied in cancer pathogenesis, metastasization, cancer therapy, the structuring of the central nervous system, diabetes, and heart disease.   Mir-134-138 regulate the development of dendritic spines needed for synapses. Their silencing can lead to autistic spectrum disorders and mental retardation and damage to brains in evolution such as childhood and adolescence, producing learning problems and mood problems, and in adults for alterations of receptors for neurotransmission.  It has been shown that N1-methyl pseudouridine binds to miR and induces silencing processes, increasing cell methylome at the origin of cancer. The production of mRNA vaccines replaces Uridine with N1-methyl-pseudouridine to escape innate immunity and implement rapid translation. N1-methyl-pseudouridine  binding with mi-RNA alters the epigenetic transcription of oncosuppressor that, with the increase in cell methylation, could result in the induction of tumors and relapses, natural immunity inhibition, and neuro-behavioral disorders transmissible to progeny. Vectorial vaccines hybridize the host DNA with adenoviruses and induce tumors at the experimental level. Clinical reports and long-term epidemiological investigations are necessary to verify the impact of mRNA vaccines on health.

Full text






The person-centered  paradigm change of Medical Science

 Antony S. Fauci, the USA “virostar”, and the USA Center of Disease Prevention, Rochelle Walensky, supporting Joe Biden’s decision to extend the vaccination anti-SARS 2 to children < 12 , based on a very weak Pfizer’s investigation, that does not control vaccines’ adverse effects over a long time, opened the USA doors to<12  pre-adolescents and  children’  vaccination influencing also European public health administrators.

They declared:

“The long-term effects that the people are apparently concerned about really have—with, I’m sure there is a very, very, very, very rare exception, but the long-term effects are really essentially non-existent in the sense of anything that has been a red flag on the part of the followup of these individuals. So, although one, I guess, can theoretically say I’m concerned about a long-term effect, the fact of the safety and the follow-up over now over a considerable period of time, obviously a year.(!!!! ) And so many individuals, we have just not seen that. So we don’t really see any true basis in that concern.” (Fauci)

“If all goes well, and we get the regulatory approval and the recommendation from the CDC, it’s entirely possible if not very likely that vaccines will be available for children from 5 to 11 within the first week or two of November”   (Fauci)

“We know how many parents are interested in getting their children between 5 and 11 vaccinated and we intend to act as quickly as we can” (Walensky)

The USA”virostar”,  and other world virostars, public health administrators, including those affected by “Donkey syndrome” in Italy and worldwide, should read with attention the following paper:

Lockhart L, Canfield J, Ezinne F et al. Nucleotide Modification Alters MicroRNA-Dependent Silencing of MicroRNA Switches. Nucleic Acids.2019;14:339-350″

Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines replace uridine with N1- methyl pseudouridine to escape immunity and increase translation speed, but this substitution provokes microRNA alteration, interfering with the life survival miR silencing action. This substitution with vaccines is introduced in all the organism cells.

Adverse effects are probable (cancer-psycho-neuro-behavioral disorders) threatening over long-time children and adolescents’ health, who are not exposed to COVID-19 severity, are rarely infected, and if so, are primarily asymptomatic. Contagion risk, compared with symptomatic, is significantly reduced, as many investigations depicted.

Micro-Rna epigenetic-induced alteration by mRNA vaccines will make  very probable that the next public health problem will be the prevention of vaccine effects and treatment along with the vaccine-induced production of SARS-COV variants.  1 year is not enough to avoid concerns for life-threatening adverse effects. Leucemia could be one of these.

Concerns about  genetic adverse effects of vaccines are shared also by Luc Montagner, Medicine Nobel Prize.

A new orientation toward a person-centered health strategy is necessary primarily for children and adolescents.

Epidemiological data document that the case-fatality ratio < 29  is zero or close to zero, and inducing vaccination of children and adolescents is a crime against humanity, considering the possibility of easy and effective prevention also against other communicable and not communicable diseases through “Antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation”, warranting also an immediate and natural vaccination of asymptomatic people, without adverse effects.

To date, early and effective domiciliary treatments of COVID-19 with cheap drugs already used in therapy are available, and it is possible to individuate a patient at risk of a severe clinical syndrome before the infection, allowing prevention.

Also, WHO, which suggested vaccines for > 18, (!!!!) stated:

“Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults, so unless they are part of a group at higher risk of severe COVID-19, it is less urgent to vaccinate them than older people, those with chronic health conditions and health workers.”

The problem of mRNA induced adverse effects concerns also adults, considering the genetic and epigenetic risks which need epidemiological studies over time and worldwide and considering possibilities to prevent the infection with the antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation in older people at risk of Anergy (1.2)

Moreover, we suggest to Robert Fauci and other virologists to update their fragmented and surpassed epistemologically surpassed bio-medical culture reading also these papers ( but  they do understand  the meaning of the word “epistemology”):

Federico M The conundrum of current anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews.2021;60:45-61.

  Doerfler W. Adenoviral Vector DNA- and SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-Based Covid-19 Vaccines: Possible Integration into the Human Genome – Are Adenoviral Genes Expressed in Vector-based Vaccines? Virus Res. 2021 Sep;302:198466. DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres.2021.198466. Epub 2021 Jun 1. PMID: 34087261; PMCID: PMC8168329.

(Considering the DNA hybridization of vaccinated people with the chimpanzee’s DNA adenovirus by the AstraZeneca vectorial vaccine, there is the doubt that some “virostar” in the USA, in Italy, or worldwide vaccinated with Astra Zeneca could be affected by psychobiological effects of the vaccine-induced ” Chimpazee’s syndrome”. There is a simple test to be used for diagnosis: ” The banana attraction test”)  Chimpanzees do not know the meaning of the word epistemology and ethics.

We recently suggested to the USA President the change of the USA health strategy adopting the “Antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation ” to avoid any risk for people otherwise damned to be persecuted by COVID-19 terrorism, health merchants, and illiterate virologists.

We suggest to those who do not know the person-centered change of medical science paradigm and the meaning of a word like “Allostasis,” the new alphabet of human physiology which revolutionized Medicine, a rapid updating.

It is necessary to understand the Person-Centered Medicine paradigm change of medical science that Fauci and other virologists and most physicians and investigators ignore.

We hope that after the recent Joe Biden’s blessing by Jorge Maria Bergoglio in the Vatican ( who also blessed vaccines as a “love act” after the signaled deaths in the USA of 14 adolescents otherwise alive), the Holy Spirit will inspire the USA President.

Giuseppe R.Brera

President of WHC and Italian Health National Committee

Director of the Ambrosiana University’s ” Scuola Medica di Milano” 


  1.  Brera G.R Sars-Cov-2 allostasis and the people and person-centered prevention. A new prevention strategy based on a people metabolic and immune shield for the pandemic shutdown. Part 1 The Sars-Cov 2 entry and COVID-19. Milan. Ambrosiana University , 2021. ISBN: 9798530093906
  1.   Brera G.R . SARS-COV 2- allostasis and the people and person-centered prevention. Part 2 The sars-cov 2- induced immunosuppression and covid-19 anergy part 3 The antiviral metabolic allostasis and preventive immunostimulation – How to induce zero risk for covid-19. Milan: Ambrosiana University: 2021 ISBN: 9798547583520


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