One treaty and a book demolished the global biotech policy against the COVID-19variants’ pandemics blessed by WHO and piloted by the profit BIG-PHARMA organizations and introduced a new real and effective person-centered health global policy that induces the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases.herly, Christine Cotton highlighted omissions and the errors in mRNA vaccine experimentation that make these unreliable and dangerous for people.
Recently Seneff, S., Nigh, G., Kyriakopoulos, A. M., & McCullough, P. A. et al. highlighted the innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations. In 2019 Lockhart J, Canfield J, Mong EF, Vanwye J, Totary-Jain H. highlighted the nucleotide modification that alters microRNA-dependent Silencing of MicroRNA switches. This last paper has been ignored by public health supporters of the global vaccination, involving children, adolescents, and young people not at epidemiological risk and submitted to severe and frequent adverse effects up to death.
Furtherly, vaccination of oncologic patients increases infections, hospitalizations, and deaths, confirming the mRNA vaccine immune-depression induction that adds it to the chemotherapy effects on immunity as highlighted by Wang W, Kaelber DC, Xu R, Berger NA
There is an urgent need in all countries to convert the health policy to adopting person-centered prevention based on the antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation, as extensively highlighted by prof. Brera’s books are introduced here.
The public health assessors should be morally motivated to change health policy by adopting the paradigm change of Medicine: “Person-Centered Medicine.” if they want to be honest with people, a rare event of lighted people.
Author: Giuseppe R.Brera
Editor: University Ambrosiana
147 pages, $ 28
distributed worldwide by Amazon
The book introduces the Person-Centered Medicine theorized by Giuseppe R.Brera and taught at the Milan School of Medicine in PG medical education.
The book introduces the PCM paradigm and, step by step, the Person-Centered Clinical Method clinical application that has revolutionized the traditional clinical method only centered on empirical observations and clinical application results from its teaching to physicians.
The author introduces the Person-Centered Theory of Health Relativity and highlights the WHO’s epistemological error in the prevention policy of COVID-19.
In chapter 6; The SARS-COV 2 allostasis theory and the COVID-19 mechanic primary prevention failure, the result of a guilty omission of secondary prevention, the author introduces the SARS-COV 2 infection relativity and “Complication probability theories” highlighting People and Person-Centered paradigm of prevention
19 July 1, 2021
Author: Giuseppe R.Brera
Editor: University Ambrosiana
Pag 125 $ 25
Distributed worldwide by Amazon
In the first part of the treatise, “The virus entry,” the author had demonstrated how the SARS-COV 2 virus enters cells through pathological cell membranes characterized by lipid degeneration, thus explaining the vulnerability of the elderly with comorbidities that have atherosclerosis and protection against infection in young people as their common denominator. Adolescents and children are not subjected to immunosuppression due to a lack of alteration in the transduction of immune signals and the preserved validity of innate humoral and cellular immunity, verified by epidemiological research.
Professor Brera theorized an equation of relativity of the infection and probability theory of its severity, opening up a new perspective of prevention, capable of identifying subjects at risk of as severe COVID-19, intensive care, and death.
- SARS-COV 2- allostasis and the people and person-centered prevention.
Part 2 The SARS-COV 2- induced immunosuppression and covid-19 anergy
Part 3 The antiviral metabolic allostasis and preventive immunostimulation -How to induce zero risk for covid-19.
University Ambrosiana: 2021 332 pag. 611 references”
Author Giuseppe R.Brera
Editor: University Ambrosiana
Pag. 328 $ 50
Distributed worldwide by Amazon
In the second part of the treaty, the author deepened the new person-centered biochemical-immunological-virological perspective of viral allostasis that he had introduced. The author discusses the relationship between atherosclerosis, immunosuppression, and immune anergia in people at risk, leading to lethality.
The treaty completely falsifies the bio-tech prevention strategy addressed to multiple vaccinations of the elderly and in comorbidities with or without atherosclerosis. Immunosenescence and the immunosuppressive phenotype of atherosclerosis result in a reduction of induction of immune memory induced by non-proliferation and activation of T and B cells and induced cellular immunity, with waning immunity in a short time not protecting the lung and mucosal epithelium. The lethality of vaccinated older adults with comorbidities is on the news, and the natural immunity of children and young people, determining the lowest epidemiological risks and the mRNA adverse effects up to lethality, should have determined the choice to non-vaccinating them.
The treaty shows that the government’s policy of vaccinating young and oldest people with many shots is wrong at the epistemological and scientific levels. This policy requires a total change of preventive strategy and effective early care, moving to antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation with the resignation of the public health organizers. In 2020-2021 millions of people’s deaths confirm the WHO’s and global policy failure. Wrong prevention and lethal strategy based on dangerous vaccines alter cells’ epigenetics by inducing micro-RNA suppression, immunity, depression, tumor vulnerability, and neurobiological alteration. There could be a relation between diplomacy failure in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and vaccines-induced brain alteration in European-NATO and world leaders.
Astra-Seneca’s vectorial Chimpanzees’ adenoviruses are in the DNA of many world leaders and diplomacy people, and micro RNA silencing by mRNA vaccines alters brains. The errors and omissions in the mRNA vaccines’ experimentation, well highlighted by Christine Cotton, furtherly introduce the permanence of the biotech addressed global policy against communicable diseases blessed by WHO as a profit-induced lethal fraud,
In the third part of the treatise, the author profoundly analyses the biochemical and immunological action (130 pages) of the potent antiviral and immuno-stimulant and immunogenic properties of an easy diet containing particular natural metabolites and nutraceutical supplements. The diet-induced antiviral allostasis cancels the risk of infection by Sars-COV 2 variants and many viruses, suggesting the validity of primary and secondary prevention based on antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation through health education and self-care that would have led to the block of onset of the pandemic saving millions of lives-including 150,000 in Italy. “Antiviral allostasis” is a word unknown to public health organizers for epistemological ignorance of the healthy ministerial intelligence and world media virologists-immunologists, inducers of a new branch of criminality: “The virologists’ terrorism.”
The treatise theorizes the foundations of the antiviral strategy and preventive immunostimulation, not only for SARS-COV 2 but for many other viruses and non-communicable diseases such as cancer that share in the first phase of infection metabolic alterations (1) of SARS-COV 2 and that the World Health Committee is launching in the world as the only possibility to prevent further epidemics. Mass vaccination induced the production of variants and immunity depression, as demonstrated by the epigenetic alterations caused by RNA vaccines transmitted to the offspring. These alterations pose challenging questions about the present and future effects on the brain and immunity and, therefore, on vulnerability to learning difficulties and mental health, tumors, and auto-immunity for DNA and hybridization by vectorial and mRNA vaccines
These irrefutable data present situations of obligation to the choice of vaccination and its imposition (Green Pass), the induction to the vaccination of children and adolescents-young, also cause of deaths- as an expression of a real illiterate and insane abuse of power.
The treatise- is inspired by the Person-Centered Medicine change of paradigm of medical science, of which the author is the main inspirer in the world and lecturer at the Medical School of Milan.
In the introduction, Prof. Brera presents the conflict between a preventive-therapeutic biotechnological approach to the pandemic, only necessary tool but not the meaning of Medicine, and the person-centered change of paradigm of the concept of Medicine and Health, to date defined as ” The choice of the best possibilities to be the best human person,” also political program, basis of the “Charte Mondiale de la Santé” – “The World Health Charter” presented in Milan in 2017.
The treaty lays the scientific foundations of the world health development program, called the ” People and Person-Centered Prevention Program,” promoted worldwide by the World Health Committee, and promotes the Person-Centered medicine paradigm spreading in public health.
The health policy promoted by the treaty is the exact opposite of health programs centered on “mechanistic-bio technological therapies and preventions,” which override man’s fundamental right to freedom to choose what is most appropriate for personal health. This strategy induced a criminal vaccination of children and adolescents, without an epidemiological justification, with specific and even fatal adverse effects, and states’ dependence on health merchants and vaccines, interested in having a mass of chronic sufferers for profit reasons.
Members of the consortium of the multinational drug companies were also able to falsify scientific data to sell, as it appeared from the $250 million penalties given to Smith-Kline and Becham from the FDA in 2014 and present experimental programs of SARS-COV 2 vaccines of limited and wrong validity, omitting the study of adverse effects of vaccines.
by I. Mazethes, WHC editorial manager