The Medical School of Milan of the Ambrosiana University, with the Patronage of the Italian National Health Committee, organized the   specialization course,  dedicated to family and public health physicians  on the theme:

“Prevention and person-centered treatment of COVID-19 by variants of SARS-COV 2 and communicable diseases”

The course is the first edition in Italian of a European and international teaching program on the prevention of COVID-19, inspired by the Person-Centered Medicine application in theory and Medical Education, of which the Medical School of Milan of the Ambrosiana University is a pioneer and recognized world leader by the WHO. The course is aimed at teaching the correct epistemological and scientific paradigm to cope with the SARS-VOC 2 pandemic, based on the new antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation paradigm, before a mass vaccination with genotoxic mRNA and vectorial vaccines also administered to children, adolescents and young people, not at risk of serious infections, if healthy. These mRNA and vector vaccines, inducers of an epigenetic earthquake, would have required years of experimentation to study even fatal adverse effects with serious damage to the health of the world population. The Course is coordinated by prof. Giuseppe R.Brera, currently the world’s leading expert on the prevention of COVID-19- wrote the only existing treatise on the subject and is the author of the theoretical paradigm of Person-Centered Medicine- is given by Maria Rita Gismondo, (Milan State University) virologist of international fame, Maurizio Federico, ( Director in the Italian Health Institute of the World Center of Global Health) who has in testing a pan-vaccine against the COVID-19, Salvatore Chirumbolo (University of Verona)  and Sergio Pandolfi  (University of Pavia) the most important Italian scholars on the early therapy of COVID-19, and the clinical “heresy” of the former Italian Health Minister’s, Roberto Speranza, illiterate paradigm” Paracetamol and vigilant wait” that cost thousands of deaths and hospital admissions. Medical Education is coordinated by prof. Vito Galante of the Milan School of Medicine with the quality procedure of the Ambrosiana University.

PROGRAM (1st edition-Italian)

Information to subscribe the European and International edition


J Mazetes -Managing editor

The success of a pleiotropic integrated therapy against COVID-19

The success of a translational integrated therapy against COVID-19

Reading time: 9″


Giuseppe R.Brera*

A sixty years old unvaccinated woman, a great smoker, with a determinate temperament and basic trust, and a previous history of breast cancer with a swab positive diagnosis of COVID-19 developed a
temperature of 40 degrees, with headache and cough, an indicator of a high cytokine storm. She received an integrated therapy based on translational medicine structured on well-studied natural pleiotropic molecules
integrated with Nimesulide and Doxiciclin. The woman recovered from the severe COVID-19 syndrome in four days and joined the swab negativity in 10 days from the beginning of symptoms returning to work on the 11th day.


  • Milan School of Medicine-Università Ambrosiana- Milano


Mass vaccination, the first time used to prevent a pandemic but with experimental mRNA and vectorial vaccines dangerous at the epigenetic-genetic level,[1] [2] [3] [4] and offered to the market with unreliable clinical research methods [5] [6] , and producing high rates of adverse effects and mortality, met in a minority of people also physicians and investigators a right diffidence and prudency to vaccinate people and themselves. These sera should have requested larger samples and a long time to be studied. The basic epistemological error caused by the lack of adoption in public health of the paradigm change of medical science and medicine, Person-Centered Medicine, must find an effective and cheap alternative allowing people primarily in countries with poor financial resources to prevent and care for viral and bacterial infections. To date, the deterministic-mechanistic paradigm used to cope with the pandemic implementing only biotechnology and profit is “Pathogen= mortality risk! and not the right indeterministic multidimensional one:” Pathogen-anti-pathogen allostasis = immunity-resilience- recovery”.[7] According to the Person-centered medicine primary prevention and therapy paradigm,clinical efforts must be addressed to improve life quality and psycho-biological resources to prevent and care for diseases and not to be problem-centered which improves only the disease-centered stock market. The World Health Charter should be adopted worldwide.

Anti-viral drugs and monoclonal antibodies are developed through fragmented research methods and show dangerous adverse effects while there are in nature pleiotropic, powerful and cheap molecules that, without adverse effects act contemporary at a biochemical and immunological level showing a great preventive action and efficacy and therapy. This is the road map for prevention and therapy based on the physiology revolution of “allostasis” (Sterling and Heyer) [8] substituting the obsolete concept of “Homeostasis”(Cannon) taught yet and unknown to most clinicians and investigators.

The anti-viral targets of prevention and a successful therapy anti-SARS-COV 2 variants of concern (VOC) must be addressed at the same time to prevent the virus binding to receptors, (barrier effect) inhibition of proteases, prevention of NK and CD8inactivation by viruses, re-activation of the P53 gene, preventing the critical anergy after the seventh day of the disease shared by patients with atherosclerosis -based comorbidities, reinforcement of natural humoral immunity, and prevention of the virus-induced viral allostatic metabolism and generation of anti-viral allostasis, prevention of cytokine storm-induced lung inflammation and antiviral allostasis in oral, nasal mucosae and upper respiratory ways, and an antiviral allostasis metabolism generation.

One of us recently introduced to the COVID prevention and early treatment of the epistemological concept of anti-viral allostasis and immunostimulation identifying the relativity of the SARS-COV 2 entry into cells and reviewing the anti-viral targets of naturals molecules spread worldwide [9] [10]  according to the Person-centered prevention strategy” inspired by Person-Centered Medicine, the current paradigm of Medical Science, [11] [12]  which at the clinical level introduced the Person-Centered Clinical Method that allows the physician the identification of the subjective-biological-environmental patient’s resources addressed to improve the person and lifestyle, [13]   not reducing the clinical case to be a probabilistic event of a natural law variation, [14] but concerning the relation with the person’s subjective being, comprising in existence and resulting in life quality related to the spiritual- psycho-neuro-endocrine, immunity  [15], and epigenetic individual system.

The COVID-19 prevention and early treatment inducing an anti-viral allostasis (AVAL) and immunostimulation (IMUST) is entrusted to the person’s natural immune system and can be reinforced by a resource-centered healthy lifestyle and powerful anti-viral substances with act as natural epigenetic programmers at immunity -biochemical level. Nutrition quality is part of a healthy or bad life quality. Curcumin, Aloe, Lactoferrin, Epigallocatechin, Beta-glucans Sphingosine, Mannan binding lectins, and Quercetin are natural molecules with a well-documented powerful pleiotropic antiviral allostasis and immunostimulant actions  [16] [17] . Vit A and C are immunostimulants and VIT D metabolite, [18] cathelicidin has direct virucide properties. Nimesulide has stronger anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, with well-studied significant therapeutic successes,[19] and its association with maltodextrins results also in immunostimulation. [20] [21]  Doxiciclin has also antibacterial and antiviral properties. [22] Conversely the antipyretic tachipirine, suggested by the Italian Health Ministry to treat early COVID is dangerous because it promotes coagulation and has not ant-inflammatory effects. [23]

A sixty years old unvaccinated woman, a great smoker, with a determinate temperament and good basic trust, and a previous history of breast cancer with a swab positive diagnosis of COVID-19 developed a temperature of 40 degrees, with headache and cough, an indicator of a high cytokine storm. Tachipirin administration, prescribed by phone by an emergency unit according to the Italian health ministry indications was suspended and a translational therapy integrated with drugs was prescribed with the resolution of COVID-19 syndrome in four days and negativity of swab in 10 days. The woman started to work on the 11th day. Posology is indicated in table 1 (Table 1)

Genotoxic and immunosuppressive mRNA and vectorial vaccines, silencing microRNA and/or hybridizing DNA [24]  produce only circulating IGG, waning in a short time and are inactive against VOC not induce protective mucosal IGA and do not generate Memory B Cell in lungs [25]  with a high rate of life-threatening adverse effects. Cells’ methylation induces an increased risk of cancer. [26]     Monoclonal antibodies and anti-viral drugs have many adverse effects and are expensive, while translational medicine and its integration significant could promote effective prevention and therapy worldwide at low cost with high availability of natural anti-viral molecules. Moreover, there is the impossibility to vaccinate the entire world, and integrated therapy could offer cheap possibilities to all for self-care through health education. Person-centered translational prevention and therapy based on preventive antiviral allostasis and immuno-stimulation and self-care in poor countries all over the world, by correcting the epistemological error determining the failure of the pandemic prevention  is a new perspective for public health to prevent communicable and non-communicable diseases worldwide, without submitting people to experimental mass vaccines.


[1]    Lockhart J, Canfield J, Mong EF, Vanwye J, Totary-Jain H. Nucleotide Modification Alters MicroRNA-Dependent Silencing of MicroRNA Switches. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2019;14:339-350. doi:10.1016/j.omtn.2018.12.00

[2]   Doerfler W. Adenoviral Vector DNA- and SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-Based Covid-19 Vaccines: Possible Integration into the Human Genome – Are Adenoviral Genes Expressed in Vector-based Vaccines? Virus Res. 2021 Sep;302:198466. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2021.198466. Epub 2021 Jun 1. PMID: 34087261; PMCID: PMC8168329.

[3]    Seneff, S., Nigh, G., Kyriakopoulos, A. M., & McCullough, P. A. Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs. Food and chemical toxicology 2022; 164, 113008. Internet:

[4]    Brera G.R. Scientific evidence of mRNA and vectorial vaccines genotoxicity inducing tumors and psycho-neuro-behavioral disorders. Scientific Report of the Milan School of Medicine; December 7 2021 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29151.18081

[5]    Cotton C. Lecture méthodologique desrésultats des essais cliniques des vaccins COVID-19. Internet

[6]    Cotton C. Evaluation des pratiques méthodologiques mises en œuvre dans les essais Pfizer dans le développement de son vaccin ARN-messager contre la COVID-19 en regard des Bonnes Pratiques Cliniques Présentation OPECTS Christine COTTON 1 A Maxime Beltra Christine COTTON – 05/04/2022 – © L

[7]     Brera, G.R. Person-Centered Medicine and Person Centered Clinical Method. Milano: Università Ambrosiana ed.: 2021 ISBN: 9798726465432

[8]    Sterling P.,Eyer J. Allostasis: a new paradigm to explain arousal pathology. In: Fischer S Reason J. editors. Handbook of Life Sciences, cognition, and Hea[7] Robinson E.G., Fernald R., Clayton D. Genes and Social Behavior.Science 2008;322:896-lth. New York 1988: J.Wiley and sons;p. 629-649

[9]    Brera G.R. SARS-COV 2 allostasis and the people and person-centered prevention. A new prevention strategy based on people’s metabolic and immune shield for the pandemic shutdown. Part 1 The Sars-Cov 2 entry and COVID-19. Milan. Università Ambrosiana , 2021. ISBN: 9798530093906

[10]    Brera G.R . SARS-COV 2- allostasis and the people   and person-centered prevention.  Part 2 The Sars-Cov 2- induced immunosuppression and covid-19 anergy. Part 3 The antiviral metabolic allostasis and preventive immunostimulation -How to induce zero risk for covid-19. Milan:  Ambrosiana University: 2021. ISBN: 9798547583520

[11]   7

[12]   Brera G. R, The manifesto of Person-Centred Medicine. Medicine, Mind and Adolescence 1999.XIV, 1-2:7-11

[13]  Brera, G.R. Person-Centered Medicine and Person Centered Clinical Method. Milano: Università Ambrosiana ed.: 2021 ISBN: 9798726465432

[14] Gadamer H-G Where health is hidden. Frankfurt; Suhrkamp Verlag, 1993 (German)

[15]  Lissoni P The spirit marries the science. Calco, Ripamonti tip, 2008 (Italian)

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[17]  Qingqing Dai, Yasumasa Morita, Yongbo Huang, et al) Modulation of Human Neutrophil Peptides on P. aeruginosa Killing, Epithelial Cell Inflammation and Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Secretome Profiles. Journal of Inflammation Research. 2019; 12: 335-343

[18]  Mitra S, Paul S, Roy S, Sutradhar H, Bin Emran T, Nainu F, Khandaker MU, Almalki M, Wilairatana P, Mubarak MS. Exploring the Immune-Boosting Functions of Vitamins and Minerals as Nutritional Food Bioactive Compounds: A Comprehensive Review. Molecules. 2022 Jan 16;27(2):555. DOI: 10.3390/molecules27020555. PMID: 35056870; PMCID: PMC8779769.

[19]  Suter F, Consolaro E, Pedroni S, et al. A simple, home-therapy algorithm to prevent hospitalization for COVID-19 patients: A retrospective observational matched-cohort study. clinical medicine. 2021 Jul;37:100941. DOI: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2021.100941. Epub 2021 Jun 9. PMID: 34127959; PMCID: PMC8189543. (Medrix 25/03/2021

[20]  Gozzi-Silva SC, Teixeira FME, Duarte AJDS, Sato MN, Oliveira LM. Immunomodulatory Role of Nutrients: How Can Pulmonary Dysfunctions Improve? Front Nutr. 2021 Sep 7;8:674258. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.674258. PMID: 34557509; PMCID: PMC8453008.

[21]   Martin TR, Frevert CW. Innate immunity in the lungs. Proc Am Thorac Soc. 2005;2(5):403-11.  DOI: 10.1513/pats.200508-090JS. PMID: 16322590; PMCID: PMC2713330.

[22]  Dorobisz K, Dorobisz T, Janczak D, Zatoński T. Doxycycline in the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Therapy. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2021 Sep 21;17:1023-1026. doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S314923. PMID: 34584416; PMCID: PMC8464303.

[23]  Pandolfi S, Simonetti V, Ricevuti G, Chirumbolo S. Paracetamol in the home treatment of early COVID-19 symptoms: A possible foe rather than a friend for elderly patients? J Med Virol. 2021 Oct;93(10):5704-5706. doi: 10.1002/jmv.27158. Epub 2021 Jun 30. Erratum in: J Med Virol. 2022 Mar;94(3):1246. PMID: 34170556; PMCID: PMC8426871.

[24]   1-2-3-4

[25]  Federico M. Biological and Immune Responses to Current Anti-SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines beyond Anti-Spike Antibody Production. Journal of Immunology Research. 2022. DOI

[26]  Huang L, Liang D, Zhang Y, et al. METTL3 promotes colorectal cancer metastasis by promoting the maturation of pri-microRNA-196b. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2022 Nov 8. doi: 10.1007/s00432-022-04429-9. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36348020.










Table 1


 Substance-molecule   Posology
   Curcumin Curcumin 500 mg x2

5’Inhalation of turmeric powder (10 g- two tea spoons) vapors  from a solution with 100 ml of water at boiled temperature

Aloe extract  50 ml x 2
Lactoferrin 200 mg x 2 before meals
Epigallocathechin  Infusion of green tea (40°) four glasses per  day ( 800 ml )
Resveratrol 1000 mg x 2 before meals
Sphingosine and Beta-glucans Kefir milk 200 ml x 3
Melatonin 5 mg ( evening
Vit D10 10.000 U ( 7 days) after  1000
Vit, C 500 mg
Vit A 1000 U
Nimesulide and maltodextrins 400 mg x 2
Doxiciclin 200 mg a day
Table 1  Posology of the integrated therapy-

( Doses are referred one-two times a day ,morning and evening)



Radiation Emitted by Wireless Devices and Male Reproductive Hormones

 2021; 12: 732420.
Published online 2021 Sep 24. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.732420
PMCID: PMC8497974
PMID: 34630149

Effect of Radiation Emitted by Wireless Devices on Male Reproductive Hormones: A Systematic Review

Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from various wireless devices has increased dramatically with the advancement of technology. One of the most vulnerable organs to the RF-EMR is the testes. This is due to the fact that testicular tissues are more susceptible to oxidative stress due to a high rate of cell division and mitochondrial oxygen consumption. As a result of extensive cell proliferation, replication errors occur, resulting in DNA fragmentation in the sperm. While high oxygen consumption increases the level of oxidative phosphorylation by-products (free radicals) in the mitochondria. Furthermore, due to its inability to effectively dissipate excess heat, testes are also susceptible to thermal effects from RF-EMR exposure. As a result, people are concerned about its impact on male reproductive function. The aim of this article was to conduct a review of literature on the effects of RF-EMR emitted by wireless devices on male reproductive hormones in experimental animals and humans. According to the findings of the studies, RF-EMR emitted by mobile phones and Wi-Fi devices can cause testosterone reduction. However, the effect on gonadotrophic hormones (follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone) is inconclusive. These findings were influenced by several factors, which can influence energy absorption and the biological effect of RF-EMR. The effect of RF-EMR in the majority of animal and human studies appeared to be related to the duration of mobile phone use. Thus, limiting the use of wireless devices is recommended.

Keywords: mobile phone, Wi-Fi, testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH)


Long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation decreases estrogens and prolactin

Long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and Wi-Fi devices decreases plasma prolactin, progesterone, and estrogen levels but increases uterine oxidative stress in pregnant rats and their offspring



We investigated the effects of mobile phone (900 and 1800 MHz)- and Wi-Fi (2450 MHz)-induced electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure on uterine oxidative stress and plasma hormone levels in pregnant rats and their offspring. Thirty-two rats and their forty newborn offspring were divided into the following four groups according to the type of EMR exposure they were subjected to: the control, 900, 1800, and 2450 MHz groups. Each experimental group was exposed to EMR for 60 min/day during the pregnancy and growth periods. The pregnant rats were allowed to stand for four generations (total 52 weeks) before, plasma and uterine samples were obtained. During the 4th, 5th, and 6th weeks of the experiment, plasma and uterine samples were also obtained from the developing rats. Although uterine lipid peroxidation increased in the EMR groups, uterine glutathione peroxidase activity (4th and 5th weeks) and plasma prolactin levels (6th week) in developing rats decreased in these groups. In the maternal rats, the plasma prolactin, estrogen, and progesterone levels decreased in the EMR groups, while the plasma total oxidant status, and body temperatures increased. There were no changes in the levels of reduced glutathione, total antioxidants, or vitamins A, C, and E in the uterine and plasma samples of maternal rats. In conclusion, although EMR exposure decreased the prolactin, estrogen, and progesterone levels in the plasma of maternal rats and their offspring, EMR-induced oxidative stress in the uteri of maternal rats increased during the development of offspring. Mobile phone- and Wi-Fi-induced EMR may be one cause of increased oxidative uterine injury in growing rats and decreased hormone levels in maternal rats.

Graphical abstract: TRPV1 cation channels are the possible molecular pathways responsible for changes in the hormone, oxidative stress, and body temperature levels in the uterus of maternal rats following a year-long exposure to electromagnetic radiation exposure from mobile phones and Wi-Fi devices. It is likely that TRPV1-mediated Ca(2+) entry in the uterus of pregnant rats involves accumulation of oxidative stress and opening of mitochondrial membrane pores that consequently leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, substantial swelling of the mitochondria with rupture of the outer membrane and release of oxidants such as superoxide (O2 (-)) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The superoxide radical is converted to H2O2 by superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme. Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) is an important antioxidant enzyme for removing lipid hydroperoxides and hydrogen peroxide and it catalyzes the reduction of H2O2 to water.


The COVID-19 pandemic finds its basis in the epistemological error imperant in medicine and public health: To date, the obsolete and wrong deterministic-mechanistic paradigm used to cope with the pandemic implementing only biotechnology and profit is “Pathogen-infection- mortality risk” and not the right indeterministic multidimensional one:” Pathogen-anti-pathogen allostasis = antiviral metabolic allostasis and immunity stimulation -resilience- recovery.” the basis of Person-Centered Medicine that states that health is: ” The choice of the best possibilities for being the best human person.” Truth, freedom, and health are inseparable.

( Brera, G.R. Person-Centered Medicine and Person Centered Clinical Method. Milano: Università Ambrosiana ed.: 2021 ISBN: 9798726465432)

The error led to the omission of secondary prevention, which should have been based on research on the first 2002 SARS-COV and 2009 MERS disappeared without mass vaccination.

The error leads to the omission of secondary prevention in the oldest people at risk with comorbidities (93% of deaths).

Genotoxicity due to the silencing of mi-RNA to promoter genes by mRNA vaccines but to date has not yet been investigated in their epidemiological consequences. There is evidence of risk of mortality, cardiovascular and oncological morbidity after vaccination, and a high-risk index for adverse effects, including increased vulnerability to cancer, autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. These data call for the immediate withdrawal of mRNA sera worldwide.

Immunodepression induced by multiple injections of mRNA vaccines has been demonstrated. In fact, after two doses, the unvaccinated are more protected from infection than the unvaccinated.

( Lancet:

Moreover, there are no” large differences in the median duration of viral shedding among participants who were unvaccinated, those who were vaccinated but not boosted, and those who were vaccinated and boosted.” Duration of Shedding of Culturable Virus in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron…

These observations, along with the AB mRNA vaccines waning and the lack or weak presence of IGA in mucosae of upper respiratory ways, make the persecution made by some countries against prudent unvaccinated health professionals a delusion of illiterate governments that prescribed an obligement to vaccination.

Vectorial sera have a great probability of hybridizing human DNA and present risk of autoimmunity and induced cardiovascular pathologies up to death like mRNA.

There are other forms of prevention and easy treatment of COVID-19 in the early stages that make them useless. The state of Florida (USA), having found a risk of 2.3 for mortality in subjects vaccinated by mRNA sera with an 83% increase in mortality under 39 years, has prohibited them. Swede, Denmark, and Canada, respectively. didn’t recommend vaccination under 19-50-60 yo. The induction of children and young people’s vaccination is a crime against humanity motivated only by profit and power, as the Nobel prize Luc Montagnier agreed.

The 2002 SARS-VOC epidemics and the 2010 MERS have disappeared without mass vaccinations in a year. Mass vaccinations, in addition, in times of epidemic, select increasingly dangerous variants for the evasion of the immune system, an enormous business for BIG PHARMA.


This letter is intended to propose to Research Gate researchers a World Manifesto for the withdrawal of mRNA vaccines from the market as follows.:

“Researchers of the Research Gate, by highlighting the danger of mass vaccination and boosting with mRNA and vectorial sera for the world health people, make an appeal to governments for their withdrawal from the market and the withdrawal by governments of vaccination obligations. RG researchers, moreover, make an appeal to suspend any crazy suspension from the work of unvaccinated health professionals because of the lack of any scientific motivation and the result of governments’ illiteracy which led to a violation of human rights.”

Adherence to the World Manifesto takes place through adherence to this initiative in the discussion and mail to

, subscribing to the site and supporting this initiative if you agree.

Attend to the discussion on

Giuseppe R. Brera

President of the World Health Committee

President of the Italian National Health Committee

Director of the Milan School of Medicine




One treaty and a book demolished the global biotech policy against the COVID-19variants’ pandemics blessed by WHO  and piloted by the profit  BIG-PHARMA organizations  and introduced a new real and effective person-centered health global policy that induces the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases.herly, Christine Cotton highlighted omissions and the errors in mRNA vaccine experimentation that make these unreliable and dangerous for people.

Recently Seneff, S., Nigh, G., Kyriakopoulos, A. M., & McCullough, P. A. et al. highlighted the innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations. In 2019  Lockhart J, Canfield J, Mong EF, Vanwye J, Totary-Jain H. highlighted the nucleotide modification  that alters microRNA-dependent   Silencing of MicroRNA switches. This last paper has been ignored by public health supporters of the global vaccination, involving children, adolescents, and young people not at epidemiological risk and submitted to severe and frequent adverse effects up to death.

Furtherly, vaccination of oncologic patients increases infections, hospitalizations, and deaths, confirming the mRNA vaccine immune-depression induction that adds it to the chemotherapy effects on immunity as highlighted by Wang W, Kaelber DC, Xu R, Berger NA

There is an urgent need in all countries to convert the health policy to adopting person-centered prevention based on the antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation, as extensively highlighted by prof. Brera’s books are introduced here.

The public health assessors should be morally motivated to change health policy by adopting the paradigm change of Medicine: “Person-Centered Medicine.” if they want to be honest with people, a rare event of lighted people.




Author: Giuseppe R.Brera

Editor: University Ambrosiana

147 pages,  $ 28  

distributed worldwide by Amazon


The book introduces the Person-Centered Medicine theorized by Giuseppe R.Brera and taught at the Milan School of Medicine in PG medical education.

The book introduces the PCM paradigm and, step by step, the Person-Centered Clinical Method clinical application that has revolutionized the traditional clinical method only centered on empirical observations and clinical application results from its teaching to physicians.

The author introduces the Person-Centered Theory of Health Relativity and highlights the WHO’s epistemological error in the prevention policy of COVID-19.

In chapter 6; The SARS-COV 2 allostasis theory and the COVID-19 mechanic primary prevention failure, the result of a guilty omission of secondary prevention, the author introduces the SARS-COV 2 infection relativity   and “Complication probability theories” highlighting People and Person-Centered paradigm of prevention






19  July 1, 2021

Author: Giuseppe R.Brera

Editor: University Ambrosiana

Pag 125    $   25    

Distributed worldwide by Amazon


In the first part of the treatise, “The virus entry,”  the author had demonstrated how the SARS-COV 2 virus enters cells through pathological cell membranes characterized by lipid degeneration, thus explaining the vulnerability of the elderly with comorbidities that have atherosclerosis and protection against infection in young people as their common denominator. Adolescents and children are not subjected to immunosuppression due to a lack of alteration in the transduction of immune signals and the preserved validity of innate humoral and cellular immunity, verified by epidemiological research.

Professor Brera theorized an equation of relativity of the infection and probability theory of its severity, opening up a new perspective of prevention, capable of identifying subjects at risk of as severe COVID-19, intensive care, and death.


  1. SARS-COV 2- allostasis and the people and person-centered prevention.

 Part 2 The SARS-COV 2- induced  immunosuppression and covid-19 anergy

Part 3 The antiviral metabolic allostasis and preventive immunostimulation  -How to induce zero risk for covid-19.

 University Ambrosiana: 2021   332 pag.  611 references”

Author Giuseppe R.Brera

Editor: University Ambrosiana

Pag. 328   $ 50

Distributed worldwide by Amazon


In the second part of the treaty, the author deepened the new person-centered biochemical-immunological-virological perspective of viral allostasis that he had introduced. The author discusses the relationship between atherosclerosis, immunosuppression, and immune anergia in people at risk, leading to lethality.

The treaty completely falsifies the bio-tech prevention strategy addressed to multiple vaccinations of the elderly and in comorbidities with or without atherosclerosis. Immunosenescence and the immunosuppressive phenotype of atherosclerosis result in a reduction of induction of immune memory induced by non-proliferation and activation of T and B cells and induced cellular immunity, with waning immunity in a short time not protecting the lung and mucosal epithelium. The lethality of vaccinated older adults with comorbidities is on the news, and the natural immunity of children and young people, determining the lowest epidemiological risks and the mRNA adverse effects up to lethality, should have determined the choice to non-vaccinating them.

The treaty shows that the government’s policy of vaccinating young and oldest people with many shots is wrong at the epistemological and scientific levels. This policy requires a total change of preventive strategy and effective early care, moving to antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation with the resignation of the public health organizers. In 2020-2021 millions of people’s deaths confirm the WHO’s and global policy failure. Wrong prevention and lethal strategy based on dangerous vaccines alter cells’ epigenetics by inducing micro-RNA suppression, immunity, depression, tumor vulnerability, and neurobiological alteration. There could be a relation between diplomacy failure in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and vaccines-induced brain alteration in European-NATO and world leaders.

Astra-Seneca’s vectorial Chimpanzees’ adenoviruses are in the DNA of many world leaders and diplomacy people, and micro RNA silencing by mRNA vaccines alters brains. The errors  and omissions in the  mRNA vaccines’ experimentation, well highlighted by Christine Cotton, furtherly introduce the permanence of the biotech addressed global policy against communicable diseases blessed by WHO as a profit-induced lethal fraud,

In the third part of the treatise, the author profoundly analyses the biochemical and immunological action (130 pages) of the potent antiviral and immuno-stimulant and immunogenic properties of an easy diet containing particular natural metabolites and nutraceutical supplements. The diet-induced antiviral allostasis cancels the risk of infection by Sars-COV 2 variants and many viruses, suggesting the validity of primary and secondary prevention based on antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation through health education and self-care that would have led to the block of onset of the pandemic saving millions of lives-including 150,000 in Italy. “Antiviral allostasis” is a word unknown to public health organizers for epistemological ignorance of the healthy ministerial intelligence and world media virologists-immunologists, inducers of a new branch of criminality: “The virologists’ terrorism.”

The treatise theorizes the foundations of the antiviral strategy and preventive immunostimulation,  not only for SARS-COV 2 but for many other viruses and non-communicable diseases such as cancer that share in the first phase of infection metabolic alterations (1) of SARS-COV 2 and that the World Health Committee is launching in the world as the only possibility to prevent further epidemics. Mass vaccination induced the production of variants and immunity depression, as demonstrated by the epigenetic alterations caused by RNA vaccines transmitted to the offspring. These alterations pose challenging questions about the present and future effects on the brain and immunity and, therefore, on vulnerability to learning difficulties and mental health, tumors, and auto-immunity for DNA and hybridization by vectorial and mRNA vaccines

These irrefutable data present situations of obligation to the choice of vaccination and its imposition  (Green Pass),  the induction to the vaccination of children and adolescents-young, also cause of deaths- as an expression of a real illiterate and insane abuse of power.

The treatise-  is inspired by the Person-Centered Medicine change of paradigm of medical science, of which the author is the main inspirer in the world and lecturer at the Medical School of Milan.

In the introduction, Prof. Brera presents the conflict between a preventive-therapeutic biotechnological approach to the pandemic, only necessary tool but not the meaning of Medicine, and the person-centered change of paradigm of the concept of Medicine and Health,  to date defined as ” The choice of the best possibilities to be the best human person,” also political program, basis of the “Charte Mondiale de la Santé” – “The World Health Charter” presented in Milan in 2017.

The treaty lays the scientific foundations of the world health development program, called the ” People and Person-Centered Prevention Program,” promoted worldwide by the World Health Committee, and promotes the Person-Centered medicine paradigm spreading in public health.

The health policy promoted by the treaty is the exact opposite of health programs centered on “mechanistic-bio technological therapies and preventions,” which override man’s fundamental right to freedom to choose what is most appropriate for personal health. This strategy induced a criminal vaccination of children and adolescents, without an epidemiological justification, with specific and even fatal adverse effects, and states’ dependence on health merchants and vaccines,  interested in having a mass of chronic sufferers for profit reasons.

Members of the consortium of the multinational drug companies were also able to falsify scientific data to sell, as it appeared from the $250 million penalties given to Smith-Kline and Becham from the FDA in 2014 and present experimental programs of SARS-COV 2 vaccines of limited and wrong validity, omitting the study of adverse effects of vaccines.



by  I. Mazethes, WHC  editorial manager





Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Hospitalizations, and Mortality in Vaccinated Patients With Cancer


William Wang , David C. Kaelber; Rong Xu, et al in an article on JAMA  oncology on April 8,  have irrefutably highlighted that the mRNA vaccination anti COVID increases the rate of infection, hospitalization, and mortality in cancer patients.
The research, a retrospective cohort study on 2020-2021 vaccinated cancer patients,  in the USA, comparing 45 253 vaccinated cancer patients, with 12 common neoplastic diseases including hematological ones, with healthy vaccinated (total sample of vaccinated with two doses of Pfizer or Moderna n=636.435), showed a significant increase in infections, hospitalizations, and mortality in neoplastic patients.

“Among 45 253 vaccinated patients with cancer (mean [SD] age, 68.7 [12.4] years), 53.5% were female, 3.8% were Asian individuals, 15.4% were Black individuals, 4.9% were Hispanic individuals, and 74.1% were White individuals. Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections in patients with cancer increased from December 2020 to November 2021 and reached 52.1 new cases per 1000 persons in November 2021. The cumulative risk of breakthrough infections in patients with all cancer was 13.6%, with the highest risk for pancreatic (24.7%), liver (22.8%), lung (20.4%), and colorectal (17.5%) cancers, and the lowest risk for thyroid (10.3%), endometrial (11.9%), and breast (11.9%) cancers, vs 4.9% in the noncancer population (P < .001). Patients with cancer had significantly increased risk for breakthrough infections vs patients without cancer (HR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.19-1.29), with greatest risk for liver (HR, 1.78; 95% CI, 1.38-2.29), lung (HR, 1.73; 95% CI, 1.50-1.99), pancreatic (HR, 1.64; 95% CI, 1.24-2.18), and colorectal (HR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.32-1.77) cancers and lowest risk for thyroid (HR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.88-1.30) and skin (HR, 1.17; 95% CI, 0.99-1.38) cancers. Patients who had medical encounters for cancer within the past year had higher risk for breakthrough infections than those who did not (HR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.18-1.31). Among patients with cancer, the overall risk for hospitalizations and mortality was 31.6% and 3.9%, respectively, in patients with breakthrough infections, vs 6.7% and 1.3% in those without breakthrough infections (HR for hospitalization: 13.48; 95% CI, 11.42-15.91; HR for mortality: 6.76; 95% CI, 4.97-9.20)”

The significant increase in infections, hospitalization and mortality in vaccinated cancer patients could be explained in a multifactorial way by the decrease in the immune capabilities of cancer patients due to chemotherapy and the inhibition of immunity made by mRNA vaccines due to the silencing of tumor suppressor genes ( P 53), by the inactivation of microRNAs and by the inhibition of MHC2 necessary for the activation of cellular immunity (e.g. cytotoxic lymphocytes).
The inhibition of immunity is therefore proportional to the number of doses of mRNA vaccines, and immunosenescence and is also caused by atherosclerotic comorbidities. mRNA vaccines expose the population to greater vulnerability to cancer, and infections as highlighted by prof. Giuseppe R. Brera, in his work on the genotoxicity of mRNA vaccines and in his treatise that introduced the antiviral Allostasis and the preventive Immunostimulation to prevent infections by variants of SARS-COV 2.

The only possibility for cancer patients and the population to prevent infections by variants of SARS-COV 2 and increase defenses against neoplasms is antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation also active against all communicable diseases and cancer.


JM  WHC Editorial Manager




promoted by the Milan School of Medicine of the Ambrosiana Univers

The International Master in Person-Centered Medicine is part of the Person-Centered Medicine International Program of the Milan School of Medicine of Ambrosiana University, born in 2009 and, to date, unique in the world yet.

Milan School of Medicine is the leading  Medical Education Postgraduate School in Person-Centered Medicine, where the paradigm was born in 1998. In 2002 the School first developed quality procedures and Masters to teach and apply Person-Centered Medicine introducing the Person-Centered Medicine paradigm teaching and its application in clinics, medical education, and health education.

                        The 2022 -2023 Master’s edition is realized with online seminars /lessons on the Zoom platform, and a live session in Viareggio-Italy Toscana  (Summer University) from September 5-11

The Master in PCM is developed in four modules (2022-2023) and has the patronage of the World Health Committee.

 A ( online): June 13-17   h: 16-19

 B ( live) :  September 5-11 -Viareggio ( Lucca )-  Italy 

 C  (online):  November 2022- April  2023

 D ( online or live ):  May –June 2023 

The general teaching objectives are

1 Person-Centered Medicine epistemological theory and the interactionist, teleonomic change of  Health, Medical Science, Medicine, Medical Education paradigms   (online)

2 The Person-Centered Medicine Clinical Method (PCCM) theory and the PCCM application procedure step by step – Introduction to “Medical counseling.” (live)- Person-Centered Medicine clinical sheet and its compilation (live)

3  Discussion of clinical cases (online) –

4 Final dissertation ( a clinical case) (online or live )

Master’s Direction: Prof. Giuseppe R.Brera    mail:

Requisites for the attendance

Degree in Medicine

Adhesion to the World Health Charter

                    PCM whole program in the following link ( pages  7-9)


The attendance fee is modular:  euros 2500   ( with educational tools and textbook)

Module A on line  : 1000

Module B : 500

Module C: 500

Module D: 500

The Master confers the Academic title necessary to be admitted to the Scientific Master in PCM, the  Ph.D, and Licentia Docendi,

Maximum Number of participants. : 20

Vincenza Quero  (to receive the registration form)              L’





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